If you plan to sign up for a tournament, please let us know. Before signing up for high level tournaments, please talk to your instructor first!

The left side has the dates of the weekend—Saturday and Sunday. If a tournament extends for additional days, the relevant dates will be noted.

The top displays the 6 fencing centers in our region that generally hold tournaments. Three are in the Seattle Area (left), and 3 are in the Portland, WA area (right).

The age classification chart for this season is listed at the bottom. You may only compete in those events that are open to you based on the year of your birth.

For each week, if a tournament is being held in our region, the level will be identified in the column that is hosting that tournament. National level NAC touranments and championships are also listed, along with the city that is hosting them. Only those SYC being held in our region are listed here. Check the USA Fencing website for additional SYC and SYCC tournaments.

Tournaments are color-coded by their level: in-house, local, regional, national, or international. Regional, National, and International level tournaments require a Competitive USA Fencing Membership in order to compete. Local level tournaments require a minimum of an access membership with USA Fencing in order to compete.


Competition Prep


Tournament Results 2022-2023